Page last updated: 25 March 2025
Win a Cazami - Cat Wheel
Draw closes 26/07/25
Another fantastic opportunity to win a Cazami Cat Wheel worth £456
The extra large diameter ensures there is no
spinal compression for even the largest of cats, making it a super choice your cat will love and
thank you for!
Providing hours of both mental and physical stimulation and wellbeing.
Win a Cazami - Cat Wheel
Only £5 to enter. all monies raised goes back to the club & will be used to benefit either Pedigree Bengal Cats in need, our Annual Charity or Club Members.
Welcome to The Bengal Cat Association.
We are a small but friendly & enthusiastic gathering of Bengal owners and breeders. Our new Bengal Cat Club catering for Bengal Cats was formed in October 2016. We welcome new members of pedigree & non-pedigree cats who have an interest in the beautiful Bengal breed. The aim of our Bengal Club is to promote, protect and perfect this beautiful breed and be the BEST Bengal Cat Club in the UK. We have an active successful Bengal Welfare Team any help here is always greatly appreciated.
We also advertise Bengal breeders and have a Bengal kitten register for our members on the web site. We would like to thank all the members of our new Bengal Cat Breed Club for their support over the past few years. The BCA is now a fully affiliated club with the GCCF.
Club membership is open to everyone, whether or not you own, show or breed pedigree cats, and wherever you live - all you need is a love of cats.
We welcome members from both within the UK and worldwide irrespective of which registering body they are with. The club is intended to be for all owners, breeders, exhibitors and lovers of this unique breed and our aim is to work to preserve, protect & promote interest in Pedigree Bengal cats and to offer advice and guidance for everyone who has an interest in the breed.
The Bengal Cat Association would like to invite all those with an interest in Bengal Cats to become members of this exciting new modern Bengal Cat Breed Club
Members of The Bengal Cat Association benefit from many discounts, check out our Members Discounts
If you have reached the conclusion that a Bengal is for you, then please visit our Breeders Directory, for a list of registered breeders with contact details and if appropriate, their kitten lists.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Please visit Cattylicious as a Bengal Club we will earn commission on all of your purchases which will go directly to our Welfare Fund to help out Bengals in need.
Click here to see full Bengal Cat Association news
7th September 2024 - Cat Conference
20th July 2024 - Win a Cat Wheel Raffle
20th July 2024 - 3rd Show
20th July 2024 - The Bengal Cat Association AGM
18th Nov 2023 - 2nd Seminar
29th July 2023 - 2nd Show
29th July 2023 - Win a Cat Wheel Raffle
9th April 2023 - Cosy Post Raffle
18 February 2023 - The Bengal Cat Association AGM
18 September 2022 - The Bengal Cat Association Cat Seminar
3 September 2022 - Win a Cat Wheel Raffle
7 May 2022 - The Bengal Cat Association AGM
15 January 22 - The Bengal Cat Association Show
Some pictures of the winners of our 2nd Annual Show 29th July 2023
Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the club.
Congratulations to the Winners
A huge thanks to the Show Team our team of helpers both young and old
and the committee who made it all possible.
Best in Show
& Best Neuter
GrPr Matheranbengals
Sidney Harper
Best Adult
IGrCh Glitterglam Rudi Valentino
Best Kitten
Jenmarler Printz Ronald
The Committee, Show Manager & Helper
Another hugely successful Seminar for The Bengal Cat Association held at, Sparsholt, brilliantly planned and executed by The BCA Committee.
This year for the first time - we had the benefit of an entire conference facility, at the Hampshire Rural Business Centre, Sparsholt, using two separate but linked spaces. This worked really well, and we plan to use same facility at a future date.
Delighted that the 2023 The Bengal Cat Association Seminar on Felines in general was another very successful event - with speakers from across the UK and even the US, this highly successful annual conference just keeps growing in scope and size. What an incredible day, filled with incredible speakers, talking about incredible topics relating to felines both large and small!
It was lovely to see our expert speakers, including Royal Canin Erica Moorhouse (domestic cat nutrition), Antinol Plus Chloe White (Pain and Osteoarthritis), Shelby Brereton (Cheetahs), James Brereton (feline evolution), Dr Marianne Freeman (feline behaviour), Kerry Hunt (big cat nutrition) and finally Tegan O'Neill (ethical breeding).
A massive thank you to everyone who attended and helped us pull off this wonderful day together, it was a good one. 🙌🏽
A huge thanks to all our sponsors for enabling the event. Royal Canin Tippaws Antinol Plus ProtectaPet Jenmarler Bengals & Nevaeh Bengals
The 2024 conference is being planned for 2024 - put it in your diary now!
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