We would be more than happy to assist
you with adopting a Registered Pedigree or non- pedigreeBengal.
Name *
Email *
Are there any other adults living in the household? If so, how many?*
Are there any children living in the household? If so, how many?*
What are the children's ages?
Are there any other pets living in the household? If so, how many and what type?
What type of residence will you and the cat live in?
Do you own or rent your property?
If rented, do you have the landlords permission to keep a cat?
Will the cat be allowed to free roam?
How many hours per day will the cat be without human company?
Would you agree to a home check being carried out?
If you know which cat you're interested in, please indicate his/her name
By completing this form I agree to donate the adoption fee of a Bengal I rehome to the Bengal Cat Association. A % of this will go to the BCA Annual Charity as voted by the BCA Team. The adoption fee is usually between £75 to £200
User Agreement
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